Objective 8: Secure partner Engagement & Ownership
It is important in planning a way forward to consider whether the partnership can deliver future expectations. The success of the TVNP is entirely reliant upon the commitment of partners, particularly Steering Group members but also wider members. If the ambition is to do more – and it is – then we need to ensure ownership and accountability.
Every partnership and associated projects need effective direction, management, control and communication. Establishing an effective partnership management team structure and approach for communication are essential elements of success. This does not necessarily mean a greater work load for partners but smarter working with clear expectations and defined roles.
To ensure most effective use of people’s time whilst also supporting the effort of the TVNP Manager it is considered most appropriate to set up task and finish groups that help deliver specific projects within the business plan.
TVNP has an essential role in acting as a facilitator for developing ideas and options to ensure a coordinated response to national and strategic Tees Valley consultation exercises. TVNP has been a key contributor already to collective LNP response’s to national consultations including the Environmental Principles and Governance Bill consultation and Net Gain in planning consultation.
Key activities include:
▪ Activity 8.1: Publish 6-monthly report summarising project activity being undertaken by
partner organisations which contributes to TVNP objectives.
▪ Activity 8.2: Set up other working/task & finish groups to assist delivery of the business plan.
▪ Activity 8.3: Deliver the annual ‘Tees Nature Conference’ with Your Tees Catchment