Landscape Areas Maps & Descriptions – designations

The above is a map of the designations for the Central Farmland Landscape Area. To see a list of the priority habitats and species for this landscape area please click here.

The above is a map of the designations for the East Cleveland Landscape Area. To see a list of the priority habitats and species for this landscape area please click here.


The above is a map of the designations for the Middlesbrough Becks and Valleys Landscape Area. To see a list of the priority habitats and species for this landscape area please click here.

The above is a map of the designations for the River Tees Corridor Landscape Area. To see a list of the priority habitats and species for this landscape area please click here.

The above is a map of the designations for the Teesmouth Landscape Area. To see a list of the priority habitats and species for this landscape area please click here.