Our 2023 Tees Nature Conference – What Next For Tees Nature? – was held for the first time in person, since the pandemic at Darlington Hippodrome.

Attended by nearly 200 people (our biggest yet!), the day provided insights into where nature recovery in the Tees Valley is headed, while also giving delegates the opportunity to be inspired by the fantastic work being conducted already.
The morning kicked off with discussion around the theme “Collaborating to Build Climate Resilient Nature Positive Communities”, with great speakers Zahra Ravenscroft, Jeremy Garside, Katherine Corrigan, Claire Ross and John Hart giving us perspective on their roles in the sector, with this section being concluded with a panel discussion chaired by Professor Sarah Perks.
Our afternoon discussion focused around the theme of “Using Catchment & Nature Based Solutions”, with speakers Dr Zoë Frogbrook, Paul Black and David Hand with a panel discussion led by Jim Cokill.
Other highlights included a keynote interview with the fantastic Tristan ‘Enviro-kid’ Anderson, dynamic Pecha Kuchas and an enthralling final findings panel.
The whole conference can be found in a YouTube playlist linked here and the conference proceedings can be found here.