We know that nature and climate are extrinsically linked and recognise that being a Local Nature Partnership we need to address the nature and climate crisis as part of our work both presently and moving forward.
Stockton-On-Tees Great Big Green Week
In September 2021 TVNP took part in the Stockton-On-Tees Great Big Green Week we helped organise interviews between young people and local politicians and speakers on climate change, you can watch all the videos below including an interview with Tees Valley Nature Partnership Manager Rachel Murtagh.
You can view the other SOTGBGW Interviews here
TVNP Climate Conference
In November 2020 we hosted a two day online climate conference with sessions including a Keynote speech from Craig bennet CEO of The Wildlife Trusts, a talk on blue carbon from Jean-Luc Solandt of Marine Conservation Society, Workshops on Climate Anxiety, rewilding, water and much more. you can watch the footage from this conference below.